Physical protection

Object protection

Physical protection

“Ekskomisarų biuras” security service offers physical protection services for all occasions. Physical protection protects persons and property, where security guards are on duty in the protected object and perform functions agreed with the client. Depending on the nature of the facility, security guards usually use technical security devices (video surveillance, alarms, access control systems) but may not use them. In today’s technological world, not all tasks can be entrusted to electronic security systems alone: physical protection is indispensable wherever a direct human presence is required.

Thanks to regular staff development, years of experience and training focused on the specifics of the work environment, and the use of the latest technology, we can offer physical protection services that meet the highest standards.

Protection of facilities

Using state-of-the-art technology and innovative solutions, we can ensure that the physical protection of facilities provided by our security service meets the highest quality standards. We select and propose the optimal security model for each potential client for the specific facility: physical, technical, engineering measures, actions, and procedures designed to detect and neutralise potential threats.

Security guards are equipped with special and communication means and may be armed with firearms. We have vast experience providing security for the largest Lithuanian businesses, trade, business, logistics centres, and industrial facilities so we will offer the optimal security solution based on your requirements and a competent assessment of potential threats.

For monitoring physical protection functions and work processes, we use an innovative, purpose-built Smart security software:

  • Tasks are created individually for each facility and timetabled by day and time.
  • The completion of the tasks and the results are recorded according to the set schedule.
  • Comments are recorded as tasks are completed, and photos are added.
  • Client’s responsible persons receive real-time notifications by e-mail after events and/or tasks are completed.
  • The software records the date and time of key issue/return, date and time of entry/exit of persons and vehicles.
  • The SOS (Danger push-button) function is integrated into the software.